People have been moaning that there aren’t enough hours in the day since the sundial was invented. But in today’s 24/7 society – in which we’re expected to be the perfect colleague, friend, parent, daughter, sister, student and cook all at once – it can feel as if the minutes are sliding down a black hole.
Well, panic not, for we have some time-saving tips that will revolutionize your life. We’re not exaggerating – if you incorporate these changes into your daily routine then instead of living in a state of permanent panic, you’ll be strolling around in a bubble of calm wondering what to do with all your free time.
Do something strange when you need to remember an event. (Bear with us – this really works.) If you’re anything like us, you’ll waste loads of time returning home to check you locked the front door/turned your hair straighteners off/unplugged the iron. You’re 99% sure you did, but that 1% is enough to make you go back and double check.
The next time you’re doing the thing you normally forget, do something weird at the same time: dance on the spot, shout “EUREKA!”, tap yourself three times on the head. Then, when the thought, “Did I really lock the back door?” flits across your mind an hour later, an image of you dancing/shouting/head-tapping will pop up and you’ll know you did. It’s an old memory association trick.
Don’t multitask. Numerous studies have confirmed what we’ve long suspected – that multitasking successfully is a myth. In 2014, Stanford University discovered that people who are regularly bombarded with information struggle to pay attention, recall information or switch from one task to another. Enough said.
Wear the same thing to work everyday. No, seriously, perhaps you should consider it. Matilda Kahl, an art director at Saatchi & Saatchi New York, has been wearing the same thing every day for three years and says it’s not only saved her hours and hours of time, stress and angst, but also tonnes of money. Imagine how calm your mornings would be if you knew you had a smart uniform for the day ready and waiting. Of course you could mix it up a bit, but having a basic dress code removes any last-minute panic. For example, always wearing jeans, a shirt and a blazer. Done. You can read the article about Matilda here.
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