A high school senior from Kansas, USA, has found a unique way to embrace her hair loss
When Madisyn Babcock, a high school senior living in Kansas, USA, started losing her hair after being diagnosed with alopecia she was determined not to let it affect the way she sees herself.
Until recently, she has worn head covers to cope with the bald spots caused by the auto immune disorder – but she decided to expose her completely bald head, with the addition of some beautifully painted flowers added by her mum, in a series of photos to celebrate her high school graduation.
“I decided to paint my head to raise awareness and to promote natural beauty. My mom, an artist, was the perfect candidate for my head masterpiece,” Babcock told Yahoo Lifestyle.
She worked with photographer Chelsea Taylor to capture the finished project.
“Madisyn has had a positive attitude about the loss of her hair since day one, and has used this as an opportunity to show other girls how to love themselves and own their beauty - even if it isn’t conventional,” Taylor said.
“Madisyn’s mom spent hours drawing out the design and painting it on the morning of her shoot. It turned out beautifully, and her images are a direct reflection of her spirit!”
“I chose flowers because they fit me as a person,” Babcock added. “I feel I’ve really blossomed into the person I’m supposed to be.”
Babcock couldn’t be happier with the finished set of photos. “I fell in love with the way my pictures portrayed myself and my personality,” she said.
Main image: @madbab__
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