Netflix now lets you request the shows you actually want to watch


Netflix now lets you request the shows you actually want to watch

By Moya Crockett

8 years ago

We’ve all been there: you’ve had a particularly testing day at work, or are struggling with a uniquely ruinous hangover, and all you want to do is watch one very specific film or TV show. You can’t explain why exactly it is that your bad mood will only be solved by watching 10 Things I Hate About You, Secret Diary of a Call Girl or The Wizard of Oz; all you know is that this is true.

And so you change into your snuggest clothes, make your comfort food of choice, and type the title of your show of choice into Netflix… And it’s not. Bloody. There.

That every film and TV programme ever made isn’t lurking in Netflix’s archives isn’t a uniquely Netflix problem; you’ll face the same frustrations whatever streaming service you subscribe to.

However, Netflix have come up with a novel way of allowing you to set things right.

The site has launched a feedback form, allowing users to request the films that they’re dying to see. All you have to do is sign into your account, click on the Help Centre and then follow the ‘Request TV shows or movies’ tab – or simply follow this link.

Of course, just like asking a DJ to play your favourite song, the request doesn’t necessarily guarantee the result. The process of acquiring streaming rights for TV shows and films is complex, and can be affected by all kinds of factors outside of Netflix’s control: from providers not wanting to sell the rights to their content, to the show not being made available in your country.

Still, it’s worth a go. Netflix keeps a record of all the requests they receive, and will notify you immediately if your request is added to their collection. In addition, if enough people request the same show, the powers that be are likely to be more motivated to try and secure it to appease their subscribers.

And hey – if nothing else, the feedback form is a way of making your frustration known. And that’s always satisfying.

Images: Rex Features, iStock

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