It’s time to take a look at your professional horoscope for 2019…
Whether you believe in astrology or not, plenty of us know what our zodiac sign is – and even more of us take the time to read our horoscope each day. After all, there’s something quite soothing about the idea our futures are destined by the stars themselves.
The only problem is that the majority of horoscopes tend to focus on the abstract “tall dark stranger” mumbo-jumbo, rather than giving us useful information we can actually apply to our day-to-day lives.
Useful information like, say, the best time to ask for a pay rise, or our ideal work style , or when we’re performing at our absolute best.
Thank goodness, then, for Moonologist Yasmin Boland, who makes a point of skipping all things vague in favour of crafting ultra-detailed horoscopes.
We sat down with her and asked her to craft a series of career horoscopes for Stylist readers – and she didn’t disappoint.
Here’s what she had to say about the professional side of our star signs…
How you operate professionally:
Aries is a super-ambitious sign. Aries people know that in order to be successful, you need to go one step at a time. You also know success requires hard work and you’re willing to put in the hours. Though you’re known as the ‘kid’ of the zodiac, in fact you get taken very seriously professionally.
When you’re hot you’re hot:
December/January is always peak performance time for you. Yes it’s the silly season, but with the Sun in your Career Zone at this time every year, you need to keep one eye on your ambitions, as you celebrate.
Your 2019 financial and work success outlook:
With heavy-weights Saturn and Pluto both still in your Career Zone, you are still capable of actual mind-blowing success this year, but it won’t necessarily feel like it comes easy. Make no mistake though, the efforts you put into your work now are actually all leading up to 2020, when you can rise to the top of your game. But first trim the fat, including any financial fat.
How you operate professionally:
When it comes to your career, you’re progressive and sometimes to work in ways that the rest of the world sees as plain “out there”. You blaze professional trails for others to follow. The internet can do very well for you work-wise
When you’re hot you’re hot:
The end of January through to the third week of February is your ideal time of every year to focus on your professional plans. Take time out to think about what you want to achieve in the coming 12 months.
Your 2019 financial and work success outlook:
Nothing is too stable. There could be money coming out of nowhere. There could equally be bills doing the same. A practice such as meditation or yoga will keep you centered. Then you can ride the energy towards career success and financial freedom. You’re full of amazing ideas – they’ll get you far. The internet, publishing, teaching and studying will work really well for you if you put in the hours.
How you operate professionally:
So many people think that forging a successful career is about being ruthless, but you know that you have to use your gut instincts at least as much as you use your killer instincts. The more philanthropic or artistic your work is, the more you’ll succeed.
When you’re hot you’re hot:
Late February to late March is when the Sun focuses on your Career Zone every year, so use this period to work out how confident you feel about your career from year to year, making any changes you need to.
Your 2019 financial and work success outlook:
There are four main things to know about this year, financially.
1) You have amazing stars which will make working really hard possible.
2) This hard work can pay off in terms of recognition, success and money.
3) However true happiness will come when you value yourself more highly, not just your talents and abilities.
4) Also, collaboration is a beautiful thing, but the more financially independent you can be, the better.
How you operate professionally:
Cancerians have a reputation for being real home-bodies, but that is only a part of the picture. When it comes to your career, you’re a true go-getter. You self-start and you give your business competitors proper runs for their money. You’re recognised for the hard work you put in.
When you’re hot you’re hot:
Late March through to late April is your peak professional period every year. Use these four weeks to think about what is and isn’t working well for you career-wise. What are feeling confident about and where are you lacking confidence?
Your 2019 financial and work success outlook:
The middle of the year looks good for finance as driven Mars powers into your Money Zone just as the eclipse powers up your sign. As tired as you might feel sometimes this year, there is a lot you can achieve. If you put in the effort now, you have the potential to be seen as a true power player in 2020. But there are some sacrifices which will have to be made.
How you operate professionally:
While you might dream of being an overnight success, be bathed in the limelight, realistically you know that you’re never going to get anywhere without some slow and steady slogging. You’re keen to do well because it means you can live a luxurious life.
When you’re hot you’re hot:
Late April to late May is when the heavens shine their brightest lights on your career. Use this period annually to look at how well you’re doing professionally and at what, if anything, needs to change.
Your 2019 financial and work success outlook:
There is a lot of confusion in the air this year and sorry to say that a lot of it will be hitting your finances. You have amazing stars for doing something completely different right now, however the way forwards won’t necessarily be clear cut. The money will come, but it could be a winding road to the bank, so to speak. Keep the faith! It will all work out in the end.
How you operate professionally:
Virgos have a reputation for being rather cautious, but when it comes to your career, you are very much open to change, and that flexibility serves you well. You keep the communication lines at work open, too, and bring diligence, smarts and a good attitude to your job.
When you’re hot you’re hot:
Late May to late June is the time when the Sun shines a light on you career every year. Use this four week period to check to see if a lack of self-confidence is hampering you professionally.
Your 2019 financial and work success outlook:
If you have had money issues in the past, then this is the year you could heal them. It would be a great idea to see a healer (e.g. an energy healer, kinesiologist, or an Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner). Talk to them about your parents attitudes to cash and how that might have impacted you. They can help you release the past so that ore abundant times lie ahead.
How you operate professionally:
You are tenacious in business. Whereas others may get discouraged and give up, you cling to your best career ideas with determination. You also bring surprising warmth to your professional life. A job where you get to look after people somehow - be that anything from nursing to law- you will prosper.
When you’re hot you’re hot:
Late June to late July are the premium weeks for you to map your career trajectory. Every year around that time, have a think about how well you’re doing in terms of achieving your professional goals.
Your 2019 financial and work success outlook:
It cannot be denied, you are moving into a very interesting cycle financially. The planet of madness and radical turnarounds, aka Uranus, is moving back into your Money Zone in March and will stay there for the foreseeable future. Cue changes of fortune, bolts of cash from the blue and the chance to earn some really big money through both joint and online ventures. But have a “rainy day” fund too.
How you operate professionally:
You tend to be rather quiet and mysterious in life, but when it comes to your career, you’re willing to put your talents and assets on show. You want your name in lights - or at least some local recognition. Any job in which you get to express yourself somehow will serve you very well.
When you’re hot you’re hot:
Your peak period professionally every year is late July to late August. This is the time of the year when you should have a good think about what is working for you professionally and what you need to change.
Your 2019 financial and work success outlook:
Despite it being quite a challenging time for you as you adjust to various new energies settling into your chart, overall, it looks good, including when it comes to work and cash. If the work you do is healing in any way, so much the better. Success awaits. Financially it could be a bumper but avoid overspending. Mid-year is excellent for rethinking your overall career strategy as Mercury reverses in your Career Zone.
How you operate professionally:
You have a reputation as a devil-may-care sign but when you make plans for your career and fulfilling your ambitions, you cross all your Ts and dot all your I’s, so your plans are about ten times more likely than most peoples’, to actually come to fruition.
When you’re hot you’re hot:
From late August to late September is the time each year when you need to set aside time to assess your progress in your career. You will really benefit from making lists of what you want to achieve in the 12 following months.
Your 2019 financial and work success outlook:
As lucky as you are in 2019, you still have the make use of all the life lessons you’ve learned about how hard work leads to success (especially lessons learned from 2014 to 2017.) So expect good things regarding work and financial rewards, but also do put in a lot of effort professionally. Just as Jupiter can increase your abundance this year, he can increase your spending and your bills!
How you operate professionally:
You’re known for being very fixed and even a tad controlling at times, but when it comes to business, you’re a negotiator. You might be accused of being a control freak sometimes, but you are willing to talk through almost any professional issue.
When you’re hot you’re hot:
Late September to late October is when the Sun moves through your Career Zone and casts a bright light on your professional life, all the better for you to see the good things and the flaws.
Your 2019 financial and work success outlook:
The one thing we know about you Capricorns, is that you are not afraid of hard work. And that’s just as well right now, as your ruler Saturn trolls his way through your sign demanding you slave away for every single cent coming your way. You are building an empire, you know. But these things take time and you have to give that time in 2019. It should pay off next year.
How you operate professionally:
The more passionate you feel about your work, the more you will succeed. Actually you have to be careful to avoid tipping over into career obsession. You’re The Worker Most Likely To Sleep Over At The Office. Any job where you have to dig deep emotionally or do some kind of investigation will work well for you.
When you’re hot you’re hot:
Late October to late November is always the right time for you to assess how well you’re doing with your professional goals. Because your peak professional period happens now, it’s a great moment to write an annual 12 month plan.
Your 2019 financial and work success outlook:
There is a lot of confusion in the air this year and for you it’s hitting your Finances Zone. In other words, there could be times when you’re feeling really inspired about way to boost your income and days when you’re unsure if you’re even headed in the right direction. The answer is to maintain your faith in your yourself and your abilities and to follow your bliss. Avoid financial underhandedness.
How you operate professionally:
Forget any notions you have about being some kind of dreamy spiritual type who can’t succeed out. You very much can and will - if you make the effort. The times when you’re likely to suffer the most at work is when you’re bored
When you’re hot you’re hot:
Every year, at the end of the year, from late November to late December, set aside some time to (1) review the past year professionally and (2) set our your plans for the coming year.
Your 2019 financial and work success outlook:
With Jupiter in your 10th House of Career most of the year, you have the stars on your side when it comes to your professional life. Mostly. The one caveat is that Jupiter will be clashing with confusing Neptune a lot this year so you have to also expect times when you’re just not sure which way is up. Happily Saturn will ultimately support you in making sensible decisions.
You can follow Yasmin Boland on Twitter and Facebook, or you can check out her Moonology website for more astrological details.
Image: Getty/iStock
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