The best careers websites to finally pin down the job of your dreams
By Megan Murray
8 years ago
Whether you’re coming to the end of your current position’s contract, due a career change or just desperately want to leave the job you’re in, finding a new workplace can feel like the most mammoth of tasks.
But before you’ve even started filling in those lengthy application forms and practicing your kick-ass interview skills, there’s just the little matter of actually finding a job you want to apply for. And if you’ve been at the same company for a while, you might be wondering where to start.
Although applying for jobs is undoubtedly no mean feat, it’s the chance for a new, shiny chapter in your life. So to help you jump straight on to the job-hunting horse, we’ve rounded up some of the best careers websites out there – including both big names and those you may not have heard of. We know it can get a tiny bit tedious, but as companies are often charged to advertise new openings, it’s best to check as many websites as you can so that you’re less likely to miss a trick.
Armed with this list you’ll basically be an unstoppable job-searching machine no matter your preferred industry, with your dream role no doubt just round the corner. So if you’ve been putting off the job hunt, rest assured the time is now...
Thanks to the huge, furry and ever-so-purple beast in its advertisements, Monster is pretty hard to forget. But as it turns out, that’s not the only reason the remember this job website. The easy-to-use homepage presents you with a plethora of options to help you search for that elusive dream job, laying out locations, industries and companies currently recruiting. You can search across a vast range of positions and sectors and upload your CV for easy application.
The Guardian Jobs
If you’re a fan of the The Guardian, you’ll want to give the job website a try. It’s pretty simple to use, enables you to search across every industry and, thanks to thorough categorization, helps you find the kind of positions you want straight away. The advice section is also a must-see, as it’s packed with helpful, well-written articles which are an inspiring read on your gloomy commute.
If you’re looking for a position specifically in tech, Dice is known as the leading jobs board and therefore the place to be. You can search across all industries, from fashion brands to tech start-ups, and enjoy a much bigger pool of positions in your field than on general job-search websites.
The Dots
The Dots is a careers network, similar to LinkedIn, but specifically for the creative industries. Using the projects section, you can showcase your work to other users and make yourself known to future employers or even potential collaborators. The search tool allows you to look for opportunities based on profession, covering a plethora of creative job titles from actor to architect.
This is a job website with a heart. Idealist focuses on roles in companies that want to make the world a better place, from charities to social-impact programmes. Be warned though, many of the positions are more about getting experience or making a voluntary contribution, so be careful to only look at paid positions if that’s what you’re after.
As the name suggests, Glassdoor offers users a level of transparency that most job websites just don’t. As well as searching for job roles, you can get a much deeper insight into the companies you’re applying to with ratings and reviews from previous employees. Thanks to those who have been before you, you can take a look at the salary of your preferred position, so that you can be assured an application is really worth your time and effort.
Indeed may be a pretty basic-looking site, but there’s no doubt that it gets the job done. After being around for a long time, it tends to be one that big employers will go to and has an easy-to-use system. You can whittle down your search results to find something that sits within your salary expectations, location and job type as well as upload your CV for quick applications.
For anyone searching out jobs in media, Gorkana is a must. This site only shows PR and journalism roles, but for those working across those industries it’s really helpful – not least because of its categorising of topics within each industry. As well selecting your preferred location, employment type and role, you can keep your searches to a certain sector such as fashion or health.
We’re going to throw it out there, if you’re looking for a job, you need to get yourself on LinkedIn. Seeing as just about everyone is on it, there’s a chance that by making the most of your profile you could be head hunted directly or at least have a ready-made advert for yourself, showing off your skills perfect for applying to jobs.
SimplyHired is a job search website like many others, but this one is a little bit different in the way that it encourages you to think about the extra qualities you’re hoping to find in a future employer. Candidates are able to search out workplaces that pride themselves on their eco-friendly credentials or are local to you.
Look at a whole spectrum of opportunities on Careerbuilder while taking advantage of the recommendation and resources sections too. Not only will this website nudge jobs your way that fit your specifications but it will help you to actually get them with practical advice.
Reed is another big-time careers board and is bound to be on the list for all major companies looking to hire someone new. On this website you can shortlist jobs that you don’t have time to apply for at that moment, get career advice and even browse courses that will help you stand out from the crowd (you know, apart from being the badass that you already are).
Fashion jobs
You guessed it, this website deals exclusively with opportunities in fashion and is a must for those working in retail, beauty therapy or styling. It’s also worth following the Fashion Jobs twitter account to be the first to apply if your dream job comes up.
If you find any great job websites that have helped you reach your #careergoals, let us know and we’ll add them to the list.
Images: iStock / Brooke Cagle
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