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Strong Women
Can’t sleep? Here’s why the dark, gloomy weather could be to blame
By Lauren Geall
8 months ago
4 min read
Here’s why the grey, wet weather makes you feel so tired and drained – and what you can do about it.
It’s supposed to be summer, but you’d be forgiven for thinking otherwise given the state of the weather recently. Grey skies, rain showers and windy conditions have made for a less-than-appealing start to July, and while we’re all holding out hope for some more sunny days ahead, it’s hard to feel optimistic when you wake up to yet another cloudy day.
And the gloomy weather conditions aren’t just a vibe-killer – they can affect our sleep, too. We Brits may be used to dealing with this kind of weather, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less tiresome for our bodies and minds. Beyond making us feel a bit down in the dumps, going days without seeing the sun can wreak havoc on our sleep and energy levels.
If you’ve been finding it harder to fall asleep or have been dealing with more daytime sleepiness than usual over the last week or so, you’ll know what we’re talking about. But why does this happen? And is there anything we can do about it while the weather remains so dark and wet?
How does gloomy weather affect our sleep?
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1. It affects your mood
Experiencing a dip in your mood doesn’t just have the power to make you feel rubbish, it can also mess with your sleep and energy levels.
“Gloomy weather can contribute to a more sombre mood and make you experience feelings of lethargy or sadness,” Max Kirsten, resident sleep expert at Panda London, explains. “These mood changes can impact sleep quality and may contribute to conditions like insomnia or oversleeping.”
Struggling with your sleep due to a disruption of your circadian rhythm (more on that below) can also mess with your mood, creating a cycle.
2. It disrupts your circadian rhythm
Your circadian rhythm may not be the first thing you think of every day, but it influences everything from your appetite and body temperature to your sleep-wake cycle. And because the amount of light we’re exposed to is one of the biggest regulators of our circadian rhythm, the gloomy days can knock us off kilter.
For one thing, it can mess with our levels of melatonin – aka the sleep hormone. “This can lead to difficulty falling asleep or waking up at the desired times,” Kirsten says.
“Exposure to natural light, especially in the morning, helps regulate the production of melatonin. Reduced sunlight during gloomy weather may result in lower melatonin production, affecting the body’s ability to signal when it’s time to sleep.”
The extra artificial light we’re exposed to during gloomy periods can exacerbate this, Kirsten adds. “Exposure to bright artificial light, especially in the evening, can interfere with the body’s natural production of melatonin and disrupt the sleep-wake cycle.”
3. It makes you less active
Unless you’re training for a dedicated event (or live around the corner from the gym), gloomy weather can make it harder to find the motivation to get outside and move – something we know can have a positive impact on sleep quality.
As a result, you might feel more lethargic and find it harder to nod off, Kirsten explains. “Regular physical activity promotes better sleep, and a lack of exercise may contribute to sleep disturbances,” he says.
How to stop the gloomy weather messing with your sleep
Credit: Getty
You don’t need to grin and bear it: while gloomy weather can take its toll on your sleep, there are steps you can take to counteract the grey. Below are just some of the steps Kirsten recommends.
1. Increase your exposure to natural light
Spending time outdoors during the daylight hours, especially in the morning, will allow you to make the most of the light that does exist and help to regulate your circadian rhythm. In turn, you might find it easier to fall asleep at night and experience a boost in your energy levels during the day.
2. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule
Waking up and going to bed at the same time every day is an easy way to give your circadian rhythm a helping hand, as it helps to keep your levels of melatonin and cortisol (the stress hormone that wakes us up in the morning) balanced.
3. Make your bedroom extra comfortable
If you’re finding it hard to switch off at night, try to give your body a helping hand by making sure you’re as comfortable as possible.
“Adjust the room temperature, use blackout curtains and minimise artificial light in the bedroom to create a conducive sleep environment,” Kirsten says.
Temperature-wise, you want to keep things cool but comfortable – cranking the heating up may feel nice, but higher body temperatures during the night can make it harder for you to get deep, restorative sleep.
4. Stay active
It might be hard to get started, but moving your body can make a massive difference to your energy levels and how well you sleep at night.
“Even if outdoor activities are limited, finding indoor exercises can help to improve sleep quality,” Kirsten adds.
Images: Getty
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