Credit: Getty; Stylist
3 min read
Welcome back to One Good Thing, Stylist’s Sunday series, as part of Frame Of Mind, that asks experts in mental health for the one good thing we can all do to boost our wellbeing.
Today we’re chatting with Susanna Kenyon-Muir, a life and career coach.
Hi, Susanna! If you could recommend One Good Thing everyone can do to improve their mental health, what would it be?
Balance out your energy of constantly ‘doing’ with the energy of ‘being’. Take time to just be – to connect with yourself, your emotions, your intuition and what your body is craving.
Especially if you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, it’s important to slow down and reconnect with the part of yourself that’s asking you to listen to your body, mind and soul.
Why is this your One Good Thing?
Because this is what creates balance and harmony in your life. As someone who has dealt with overwhelm, anxiety and burnout, I know the importance of slowing down, of connecting with myself and having time to rejuvenate.
Whenever I feel overwhelmed I know it’s a sign to slow down and focus on the things that matter, including my mind and what’s important; my body and what’s nourishing it; and what my soul is calling in.
So, the big question is: how do we do it? How do we just be?
I take stock of what’s important and prioritise those things that really matter. I go inwards and listen to what my intuition says. Does my body need time out? Is it yearning for movement, such as pilates, yoga or a walk? Am I being called to journal and write down how I’m feeling? Or maybe connect deeply with a friend. I really listen to what it is that I require and go from there.
I take stock of what my intuition is saying
If we can do this, what benefits might we see?
Reduce the feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. Feel a sense of inner harmony, appreciation and gratitude. All of this, in turn, will lead to more joy and happiness.
What are some common pitfalls of trying to just be? How can we avoid them?
Common pitfalls include having deadlines or being under pressure at work, by your partner or feeling a need to get things done. Most of the time these are external pressures. So ask yourself is this something that must be done? Is it aligned with your values and your intentions for the next 30 to 90 days? Is it something that you want to do, versus you feel you should do because someone or society is telling you to? This can really help you recognise whether you’re overexerting yourself with a ‘must-do’ attitude, or listening to your needs and intuition.
How do you personally do your One Good Thing?
I take stock of what my intuition is saying. Do I feel burned out? Overwhelmed? If yes, then I slow down, go for a walk, do a meditation, journal, put out positive intentions and do something relaxing and something for me. The purpose is to recharge my batteries so I can come back with more energy and more magnetism in my daily life.
How has doing this changed your life?
It’s made me feel more harmonious, balanced and happier within. I have a greater sense of self-love and appreciation for life because I’ve slowed down. I’ve connected more with what I truly desire versus what anyone else asks of me, which in turn means I feel a greater sense of gratitude and appreciation for life. By connecting more with what my heart and inner world wants, my outer world has become more magnetic and full of love.
Frame Of Mind is Stylist’s home for all things mental health and the mind. From expert advice on the small changes you can make to improve your wellbeing to first-person essays and features on topics ranging from autism to antidepressants, we’ll be exploring mental health in all its forms. You can check out the series home page to get started.
Images: Getty; Stylist
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