Yoga every damn day: “Am I the only one who feels guilty for not doing yoga regularly?”

Am I the only one who feels guilty about not going yoga.

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Strong Women

Yoga every damn day: “Am I the only one who feels guilty for not doing yoga regularly?”

By Miranda Larbi

3 years ago

2 min read

Yoga is so damn good for us and comes in so many different forms – you could do a different practice every day. So why, then, is it so hard to get on the mat? The yoga guilt is real, says Strong Women editor Miranda Larbi.

Yoga is a brilliant activity. It can stretch and strengthen hard-to-reach muscles. An hour on the mat leaves you feeling limber – your hips more open and core switched on. The breathing helps to calm the body and mind, while the soft music or gentle voice of the teacher is often super soothing. I love yoga. And yet, I rarely do it.

Despite the fact that I know yoga has all these benefits, I’m lucky if I turn up to a class once a month. Over the lockdowns, our household practised almost every evening and that routine definitely had a positive impact on my running – enabling me to run more regularly without picking up niggles. 

But since the start of 2022, I’ve done a handful of classes on YouTube or in-studio. I’m busy – working, running, cycling, sleeping. So why do I feel so damn guilty about not doing yoga more often?

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