Harry Potter TV series: fans unpick the truths (and untruths) of those rumours

Harry Potter

Credit: Warner Bros

Under Her Eye

Harry Potter TV series: fans unpick the truths (and untruths) of those rumours

By Hollie Richardson

5 years ago

Harry Potter fans are sharing their theories about what story a potential TV series set in the wizarding world would follow.

Calling all muggles…

The Hollywood Reporter has just reported that the Harry Potter franchise might be getting a TV series.  According to the article, there have been “conversations” about a live-action TV show being in early development at HBO Max. 

Warner Bros and HBO Max released a joint statement to confirm that “there are no Harry Potter series in development”. But that hasn’t stopped fans from sharing their strong reactions to the idea. 

While the franchise is already one of (if not, the) biggest in the world, there are endless stories to be told about the bewitching world of Harry Potter. But, arguably, there is a limit to how many of those need to be explored.

That’s why the response has been varied, from sheer outrage to pure excitement.

One popular opinion is that there is just no need for a TV series.

“Ugh, why are people trying to ruin such a wonderful movie franchise? Harry Potter (the original movies) was one of the first movies I remember watching as a child and they’re amazing. there’s no need for a reboot or TV series,” tweeted one fan.

Other fans are questioning the series because of Rowling’s recent comments on gender identity.

“I think a lot of book series would be better served by TV adaptations than films but Harry Potter already had a massive film franchise and nobody likes JKR anymore so why would HBO greenlight this?” someone asked.

Andrew Sims, who co-hosts the Muggle Cast podcast, said it was “inevitable”. 

He tweeted: “This has been inevitable for years… never more so than last week when they appointed a TV exec to head up [a] Harry Potter expansion. Within a decade we’ll be talking about more than one HP TV series on @MuggleCast, I think.”

Then there are those who are unquestionably on-board with the idea. 

“They’re actually making a Harry Potter TV series? Wow if they do this right it can be incredible,” said one optimistic fan.

It wasn’t long before people started sharing their theories on what the series will be about. 

“If HBO Max is really going forward with the plans for a Harry Potter TV series they should revolve around the Hogwarts founders or the Marauders,” suggested one Twitter user.

In fact, this journalist went on to cast who should star in the Marauders prequel.

“Right. Harry Potter TV show in the works. I’m thinking Marauders prequel, set at Hogwarts, and have some thoughts on casting,” she tweeted, along with a thread of (questionable) suggestions. 

The Marauders prequel has been popular, with wider suggestions about following the young lives of Severus Snape and Lily and James Potter.

“I hope this new TV series is about Severus, Lily and the Marauders!” said a very excited fan. “And follows them whilst they were at Hogwarts. Think we all would like to see the ‘classroom. format returned.”

But whatever form the TV series makes, there’s a clear call for it to be more inclusive.

“I do feel that if/when a HP TV series gets made representation needs to be there. It matters so much. It’s everything. Gimme that diverse HP world that I KNOW exists!” asserted a Twitter user.

Of course, we’ll have to wait a while until anything is confirmed. But it’s clear that, despite the mixed reactions, there are a lot of muggles out there who are 100% ready for this.

We’ll keep you updated if and when more details are shared. In the meantime, this is the perfect excuse to snuggle up on the sofa and have a Harry Potter movie marathon this weekend.

Images: Warner Bros

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