Penguin is a world-famous publishing house that's fostered big-name literary talent since 1935.
We associate Penguin Classics, in particular, with venerated writers - think Virginia Woolf, Truman Capote and Charles Dickens.
Now a more dubious roll call of names have been added to that list, thanks to the imaginative skill of Simon from TinyLoud.
He created an inspired compilation of Penguin titles that will (sadly) never see the light of day.
In this imaginary hub, "writers" such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hannah Montana and Britney Spears join the hall of Penguin greats.
Titles that would never in a million years be courted by Penguin - A Shore Thing by Snooki, and Cher's Twitter Feed - are mocked up into classic volumes.
It's a simple concept but one that works brilliantly from a visual point of view: little wonder it's gone viral since hitting Buzzfeed, with more than 38,000 hits to date.
What do you think? Are you a fan of the alternative Penguin classic series? What unlikely titles would you add to the collection? Let us know on Twitter or in comments, below.
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