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Venus is in retrograde for the next two months – but what does it actually mean for you?
By Amy Beecham
2 years ago
3 min read
Venus is now in retrograde until September, but is it cause for celebration or concern?
Is it just us, or has summer felt different this year? Not necessarily bad or good, just different? It could be down to the weather, our growing climate anxiety or the inevitable comedown that crashes through us after a moment of collective joy like Barbie. But, if you’re a believer in all things astrology, it could also be down to the fact that Venus is currently in retrograde.
If you’re up to speed with your astrological movements, you’ll already be well aware of the havoc Mercury retrograde can cause. Because Mercury is the planet thought to rule communication, travel and logical thinking, these are the areas it affects negatively when it goes retrograde (aka appears to go backwards). It’s a time when emotions may be heightened, so thinking rationally can be tough.
However, Venus retrograde is markedly different, and much more rare. According to, while it’s relatively common for planets like Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto to retrograde, Venus only spends about 7% of its time in retrograde. Importantly, because Venus is a personal planet tasked with integral parts of our personality and psyche, the effects of Venus retrograde can often feel far more profound.
When is Venus in retrograde?
The good news? It’s already started, so if things have been feeling off for a while, that could be why. Venus retrogrades every 18 months, moving backward in the sky, retracing 15 to 18 degrees of the zodiac over a period of 42 days.
For 2023, Venus retrograde began on 22 July and will end on 3 September, meaning there could be a few months of disruption ahead.
How can Venus retrograde impact you?
Considered the biggest astrological event of the summer, this planetary movement can have a profound impact on matters of love, relationships and personal and professional growth. As the planet of love and values, Venus retrograde periods are when we reassess what and who we value – so much so that many astrologers consider it an inopportune time to get married or start a new relationship.
According to astrologer Inbaal Honigman, Venus is in charge of all things romance, self-love and affection. Therefore, when Venus is in retrograde, we go through a period that connects us to our past in those fields. “The effects of linking to our past with love could bring back old partners, or urge us to display behaviours in love that we have left in our past,” she explains. “We may feel nostalgic for our old hairstyle, our beloved make-up brand from high school or the heels we wore on holiday.”
Because of this, a spontaneous decision to go visit our hometown or a sudden desire to message our first love can give us a clue that Venus retrograde is working its magic.
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If this sounds disruptive, that’s because it can be. But don’t fear: Venus retrograde isn’t all bad. “Retrogrades have a bad reputation because as a society, we strive for progress and want to leave the past behind,” says Honigman. “However, the retrograde isn’t positive or negative. Astrology doesn’t judge, astrology just is.”
Because we’ll be invited to reimagine romance, friendships, self-esteem, resources, desires and what brings us pleasure, this time can be crucial in helping us get back on track with what really matters in our lives.
Rather than fight against the current of re-evaluating, astrologers suggest leaning in and using this time wisely to take stock, almost like a mid-year reset.
If you’re feeling particularly disrupted, try to turn the spotlight onto life’s positives. Shift to a thankful mode for things that have gone right for you recently, no matter how small, and reflect on how you can invite more of that good energy going forward.
“One thing’s for certain: making rash decisions during the Venus retrograde should be avoided,” Honigman warns. “The whole thing will be over soon enough and when Venus goes direct again on 3 September, you’ll be able to use your unencumbered judgement again.”
Images: Getty
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