June 2023 horoscope: monthly forecast for all star signs

June horoscope: hands with stars and planets on starry background

Credit: Getty


June 2023 horoscope: monthly forecast for all star signs

By Astrodim

2 years ago

12 min read

June is here, meaning we’re already almost halfway through the year. It’s gone quick, right? Get ready for the month ahead with your star sign’s horoscope. 

June is going to be the month of appreciating yourself more. How that manifests is up to you, but the general theme is one of finally letting go of the stuff that’s stopping you from proper, unadulterated self-love. What is that for you? Rubbish boundaries? Negative thought patterns? False beliefs? This is the month to ditch it all, and you’ll get a boost to do just that on 4 June, with the full moon in Sagittarius. 

The next day, Venus will enter Leo and stick around there for most of the summer. This, again, will bring you a new focus on your wants and needs, but this time in the realm of relationships. When Mercury enters its home in Gemini on 11 June, you’ll be helped along in that sphere thanks to a fresh social butterfly energy. 

On 17 June, Saturn retrograde kicks off. But don’t panic: this isn’t going to bring all the drama of a Mercury retrograde. Instead, this is a period that pushes us to review what we have control over… and what we don’t. Let this be a reminder: if you can’t control something, it’s not worth stressing over

On 21 June, it’s time for the summer solstice – and the beginning of Cancer season. This time is a nudge to look at your emotional state a little more closely. How are you really doing? What’s disrupting your mood? Mercury joining the sun in Cancer will push you to make some plans for self-care: make sure you accept the call. 

Finally, on 30 June, another retrograde begins: this time for Neptune. The effects are all about reflecting on people’s hunches, beliefs, and illusions and how these might affect our lives. Keep an eye out for misunderstandings. 

That’s the month as a whole, but what about the specifics? Let’s dig deeper with your star sign’s horoscope for June, ahead. 


21 March to 19 April

Hey, you. What’s holding you back from making your big dreams a reality? You’re speeding around, fully in the hustle, but there’s something that makes you believe you’re not deserving of success. Where does that come from? June is the time to dig deeper and address this. Recognise that achieving your goals really isn’t too far-fetched, but that you need to sort out that baggage you’re carrying around. Do that and your time will come. 

You might have to let go of something to get you there; something that brings a lot of fire to your spirit. This might feel like a wet blanket moment at first, but it’s actually an opportunity to see what else you enjoy. Think of it as the universe giving you a bit of redirection, to focus on what’s in front of you rather than what’s out yonder. This is a great month to skip travel plans and see what your local community has to offer instead.


20 April to 20 May

Something is blocking a big blessing that’s due to come your way. What’s the hold-up? Make June the month you shift that obstacle, sign that paper, have that conversation, tie that loose end. Once you sort this, you’ll have a rush of contentment. Plus, you’ll be able to move on to the next thing. 

This June, you might find that your goals don’t feel as obtainable as they did at the beginning of the year. Maybe you should use this mid-point of 2023 as a chance to reassess. There’s nothing wrong with going back to the drawing board. Rev yourself back up and bring the energy back. 

You’re going to be focusing more on the cycles and seasons of your mind. You’ll realise that your brain might work better with a change of scenery. Mix it up. Move location or expand your circle for a fresh burst of inspiration.


21 May to 20 June

We know you’re likely in full party mode for your birthday, Gemini, but listen up: there are some things you need to pay attention to. 

The full moon on 4 June will push you to review how you approach relationships. What do you actually want? Are you being realistic? You don’t have to answer these questions right now, but be warned: they’re likely to keep popping up throughout the month. 

Oh, and that questioning won’t just be in regards to romance, but your life in general. How are your current actions taking you closer to your goals? If you’re really, really honest with yourself, you might recognise that some of your patterns are holding you back from living the life you truly want and deserve. Use your planet, Mercury, being in your sign this month to work out the details. 

Mid-month, expect a major self-improvement kick, especially in the theme of career. Now’s a good time to work closely with someone in a leadership role, to soak up their positive traits and boost your relationship. You’re getting ready to step up, and this is a good place to start. 


21 June to 22 July

Wait a minute. What’s that? 

Oh. Right. It’s that bad habit that you know full well is interrupting your life in increasingly irritating ways. Perhaps it’s time to finally quit it? The stars say: yes, please. The way to do it? Get to the root cause. There’s something deeper going on, so set up some time for reflection. Then implement change. Self-care is showing the universe and yourself that you are worthy.

Another area to look at this month is one relationship that you feel powerless within. It might not be a romantic bond, but there’s some imbalance that’s emerging because of deep-seated issues. Now’s the time to address them and move forward. 

Plus, your birthday’s coming up! Don’t forget to make space for celebrating yourself. Let this be the start of a season of self-love. 


23 July to 22 August

This month, there are some people you need to connect with to make things happen. Stay open and receptive to these changes. With Venus in your sign from 5 June until October, good things are going to be drawn to you, so make the most of this. 

You might feel an itch to change up your routine in June. By doing so, you’ll realise just how much power certain habits have in your life - in positive and negative ways. Some discipline and reflection will allow you to ditch any habits you’re getting fed up with. 

Don’t try to battle through this process all alone, though, no matter how tempting it may be. Remember what we said about staying open to connections? That’s a message to bear in mind for all areas. Whatever you’re having trouble with, try to seek out other perspectives to get a fresh hit of inspiration. 

Horoscope image: illustration of woman with stars in her hair

Credit: Getty, Stylist


23 August to 22 September

There’s something in the theme of ‘home’ that needs to be taken care of this month, Virgo. That might be literal: a move, a DIY project or it might be something more figurative, like resolving a conflict. Whatever it is, prepare for it to take up a lot of your energy early in the month. In a couple of weeks’ time, you might want to shift your focus to the world of work just to get a break. 

You tend to love being of service, but here’s a question for you to ponder in June: are you offering so much of yourself that you’re not taking care of your own needs? Only you can answer this question, which will be a theme throughout the month.  

There are some exciting opportunities for you on the career front, but please don’t completely ditch fun to charge ahead. You have time and space for both. Plus, there’s power in partnerships for you, Virgo – it could be seriously fruitful to get out there, spend time with your friends, and meet new people.  


23 September to 22 October

Hmm. This month you’re realising that the way you’ve been going about things just isn’t working, so now you’re looking out into the wider world for answers. Travel is on the cards, as well as networking and collaboration. Teamwork is key. 

Brace for some scars from the past to be brought up in the next few weeks, particularly around the themes of family and your living space. Remind yourself of how far you’ve come, and all the healthy habits and coping techniques you’ve learned. The new moon will bring a major aha moment that could help you through this and give you the answers you were searching for earlier in June. 

The summer solstice will deliver a fresh burst of motivation for your career, and you’ll be all about showing off your talents and proving you can be a leader. If you get stuck, take a beat. Sometimes stepping away can bring clarity. 


23 October to 21 November

Hey, secret squirrel… what tricks do you have up your sleeve? Sneaky Scorpios have plenty of fun being the lone wolf, but they thrive with a trusted companion. Who’s yours? Find someone you can really rely on and work closely with them to see big gains, particularly in the money and career department. 

You’re going to find yourself feeling a bit deep and introspective this month. Perhaps even to the point where you neglect the fun stuff to focus on some big questions. You’re realising that it’s going to take some proper work to truly open up, and perhaps there are some bigger issues you need to address first. 

This doesn’t sound fun, we know, but it is worth it. Put in the effort and you’ll enjoy a new perspective; one that’s comforting and healing – that finds joy. 


22 November to 21 December

Let’s get real. Something is blocking you from having great, fulfilling relationships. We’re not just talking about romantic bonds; this could be friendships, work relationships, whatever. You’re so full of passion and excitement that you might be missing what other people want and need. Ponder this in June and consider how to get a better balance. 

Hey, we get it. Sagittarians tend to be super empathetic, often to the point that they overcorrect and feel like they can only focus on themselves for a bit. That’s understandable, but a lesson for you to think about: it is possible to show love to the people you care about and look after yourself. Balance is the aim, and the new moon in Gemini will bring the energy shift you need to achieve it. 

Along with balance, your other buzzwords this month are vulnerability and trust. It’s time to open up, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. 


22 December to 19 January

Sometimes you have a resistance to being free and letting it all hang out. This is the month to learn to go with the flow. That might take conscious practice in your everyday life. Don’t worry – you don’t have to go completely wild, but try to shake off some of the rigidity you’re holding on to. Figure out where it comes from (perhaps it’s a form of protection?) so you can heal. 

By midmonth Pluto is going to enter your sign, reintroducing the theme of empowering yourself through leadership and initiative. Your ideas and perspective are one of a kind and you have the discipline to make it happen. What’s missing is the confidence in your creativity. Just because you may have to look something over doesn’t mean you have to scrap the whole idea. Picking up a self-help routine to learn that you are good enough can be very helpful.

It may also be helpful to have a buddy to keep you accountable in this new routine. You’ll notice the more you nurture yourself, the easier it becomes to love and nurture others. This might be the aha moment that helps you shake yourself loose from those self-imposed limits. Trust yourself.


20 January to 18 February

There is something or someone that you hold in high regard that you may let go of this month. It could be a goal, a friend or even a money opportunity. This ending could be positive, like a release of an accomplishment or it could be a disappointment. Whatever it may be, trust the stars: this ending will be for the best. The space left behind will be filled with fun… and maybe even romance? 

There’ll be some lessons to learn in the midst of your hot girl summer. Keep an eye on the themes of authority and leadership, and how your self-esteem seems to waver depending on your environment. How can you make your confidence more secure? Once you figure that out, you’ve nailed it. Bonus: people will find that very attractive. 

You know full well this isn’t something that will happen overnight. It’s a journey and it’s work. Remember to nurture and love yourself throughout this. Routinely remind yourself just how great you are. 


19 February to March 20

There is an aspect of your career or reputation that you are parting from at the beginning of the month. But you must sit with this one – you cannot just duck, dodge, have your cake and eat it too (unfair), right? Some self-reflection and contemplation on how you are going to go about this new cycle of your career is needed. Are you doing the necessary things to lead to the life of your desires?

We know all of this sounds harsh, but Saturn is now in your sign and Saturn demands discipline, responsibility, leadership and respectfulness. The cosmos is attempting to mould you into a more mature being so you can then apply this in other aspects of your life. Maybe even influence others to do the same. Sometimes that takes looking within to get a better understanding of your feelings. Be sure to create a healthy environment around you, if possible, to be able to do this in peace.

This doesn’t have to be all serious though. Healing can be fun, believe it or not. Yes, shadow work can be heavy but light work can be refreshing. One way you can go about this is to do all the things your child self always wanted to do. Often, we must heal the past to get the best version of our future. 

Images: Getty

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