12 min read
What does February 2024 have in store? Let astrology lead the way with your star sign’s horoscope for the upcoming month.
Congratulations, everyone: we made it through January. We’re one-twelfth of the way through the year, the days are getting longer and spring is near(er). Next up, February. This month doesn’t get the same fun ‘new, new, new’ vibe that January is treated with, but its beginning is still an opportunity to make good things happen… at least in our books.
So, what can we each expect for the month ahead? We’ll get into each star sign’s specific February horoscope in a mo, but first let’s break down the general astrological happenings for the next few weeks.
First off, on the 5th of the month, Mercury will enter Aquarius. Mercury is all about communication, while Aquarius is a sign that’s big on creativity and uniqueness, so when these two come together that means it’s a time to bring more ingenuity to your day-to-day interactions.
The new moon on 9 February is in Aquarius, too, which could bring up some tension attached to the past, while the week after, Mars enters Aquarius on the 13th and Venus joins it on the 16th, along with Pluto. Translation: it’s big Aquarius energy on all fronts. We’re all going to feel empowered to go after what we desire with real passion and intensity. We’ll also embrace being unconventional and a bit intense, something Aquarians know how to do well.
On the 19th, the sun enters Pisces, which brings a dreamy, introspective vibe. Mercury also enters Pisces a few days later, and this might be tricky. Mercury is big on logic and practicality, while Pisces is a sign that’s based on emotion or intuition. Watch out for these conflicting drives.
The next day, we have the full moon in Virgo, which will bring more focus to the world of work, and finally, on 28 February there will be two major cazimis (when a planet is super-close to the sun): Mercury and Saturn. On this day, expect clarity in communication, ideas, discipline and ability. Use this day to brainstorm, create and plan ahead.
21 March to 19 April
Aries, your February is all about connection; strengthening your bond within your current friendships and relationships, but building something with new people, too. You’re in the mood to expand your circle and to make it stronger.
You’ll feel a similarly strong desire to achieve a long-term goal this month. Your path has felt blocked before; you’re fed up of that and have a renewed drive to keep moving. It’s a time for action. Opportunities and new ideas are flowing.
Watch out for doubt popping up mid-month, with a good dash of imposter syndrome. Changing up your routines can help you navigate this. Try to tune into what’s pushing you forward and remember that discipline is key. Stick with it: by the end of the month you’ll feel a powerful wind of inspiration that’s big enough to get your motivation back on track.
20 April to 20 May
What’s that itchy feeling that just won’t budge? In the back of your mind there has been a voice that’s asking for radical change. A major career pivot, perhaps? A new goal to focus your attention towards? You’re thinking a lot about legacy and the idea of living a life you’re truly proud of.
When this voice pops up, it’s tempting to shut it down and remain in your cosy comfort zone. But be warned: that voice isn’t going anywhere. It’s only going to get louder.
So now is the time to follow that train of thought. Think big about what you really want, and let your true desires form a plan for the future. You might notice yourself bristling at authority during this period – that’s because you want to feel more in charge of your life. Follow this want but not in your usual way of working full steam ahead. Now is the time when you need to experiment, play, dream, imagine. Let yourself go a little looser and see what feels right.
21 May to 20 June
You’ve got something bubbling away in you, and you’re trying to suss how to let this energy out. The key lies in doing something different. Maybe you could travel somewhere you’ve never been, take a class, explore your area or sign up for a course. The stars have aligned not only to drive this passion for newness, but also to supercharge your mind’s ability to expand. Use this time and motivation to get out there and learn some life-changing lessons.
In the second half of February, your focus will shift to how you’re coming across to other people. You might be thinking about how to impress your boss in order to land a promotion or how to tweak your social media profiles. You’ll be all about wanting to present your best self to the world.
That’s all good, but bear in mind that a surface-level makeover won’t get you very far. Before you launch yourself into an external transformation, consider what’s going on on the inside. Are there any unresolved feelings you haven’t yet dealt with? Any destructive habits? Unhelpful thought patterns? These things need to be worked on first, with a gentle, kind, self-loving approach.
21 June to 22 July
Have things felt a little heavy recently? That’s OK. You’ve been thinking about past losses and their lingering impact, and struggling to let go. This month, that changes. Your star sign is set to recognise the power of change in February, and to start to embrace the opportunity to grow and move forward. Think of this as the perfect chance to refocus on what you really want – and accept that this moment of transition might be tough, but moving forward will feel so good.
Don’t feel like you have to go through this journey alone. Seeking support from a friend, mentor, therapist, parent or expert – whoever can make you feel heard and provide you with helpful advice. Lean on others to embark on a healing process. Towards the end of the month, enjoy feeling more secure in yourself. This is a time to change your life for the better.
Credit: Getty, Stylist
23 July to 22 August
Romance is on the cards this month, Leo. Some new players might enter the scene or you’ll use this energy to go deeper within your relationship… and explore the passion further. February could be a time for you to connect with someone who makes you feel truly seen – someone you can be unapologetically weird with.
Continue to honour your boundaries, but be willing to risk a little vulnerability. You have a tendency to keep up some strong emotional walls. Is it time to break them down, even just a little? If your gut tells you this person can be trusted, give them a chance. Let them in.
23 August to 22 September
Whew. You’ve been exhausted recently, and it’s no wonder. Every day it feels like your to-do list is a mile long. You’ve got so much on – work, home, health, socialising – that your everyday routines feel like chaos. This is the month to sort that out. You know deep down that there are certain things you want to prioritise, and you maybe even know how to achieve that goal… so why aren’t you doing it? Let go of the stuff that doesn’t really matter so you can zero in on what you really want.
Be open to asking for help along the way. You can’t do everything, at least not all at once, so you’re going to need to bring in some support. This is a month for getting strategic with your schedule. Plan and organise your life in pursuit of balance, so you can actually enjoy your days rather than rushing around and downing coffee in an attempt to get everything done.
23 September to 22 October
There’s a conflict going on within you, Libra: your desire to add some fun and spice to your life versus the pressure to fulfil all your responsibilities. You see-saw between each, feeling rubbish on either side of the balance: when you’re being responsible, you long to have more fun; when you try to have fun, guilt for not being responsible gets in the way. Frustrating, right?
You know this already, but the answer is balance. That’s good news because Libras are experts when it comes to that. To get there, try to be less reactive and more curious. When you have a craving to sack off what you’re doing and play, take a moment to question why. Is work becoming too stressful? Are you avoiding something? Are you procrastinating because you’re secretly afraid of success? Work out the deeper need and respond to it with thought – in a way that meets in the middle rather than diving between two extremes. Perhaps you need some more breaks in your work day, or to give yourself room to experiment with new ideas. And let go of ‘should’. You have time to have fun and work hard – don’t feel bad for doing either.
23 October to 21 November
Emotions will be running high this month, Scorpio. Be warned. A breakthrough moment will land when you accept that your happiness is within your control. You can choose to become more aware of your feelings and choose to do what makes you feel good. Once that knowledge sinks in, you can make some changes so you’re responding to what happens rather than reacting. You’re about to enter an era of emotional maturity.
There’s going to be an emphasis on family in February, too. How are those relationships? Are there things that aren’t working for you? Take these bonds seriously and invest some time, energy and headspace to making them as great as they can be. Think about what you want your life to look like in the future, then do what you can to get there.
Credit: Getty, Stylist
22 November to 21 December
Your mind is on fire right now and filled with ideas, excitement and creativity. You’re in the mood to learn something new that you can fully immerse yourself in and that will change your life for the better. Something you can share with your family and others you are close with to change their lives positively, too. Sometimes we need a different environment to inspire change within us as well as to motivate us to take action. Open your mind to exploring your local area or even travelling further afield for a short-term trip.
There are so many opportunities for fun that are under your nose – just be open-minded. Volunteering, mentoring or learning a new skill will be an excellent way to exercise your mind. You’ve been open to connecting with your community more, so doing these things or something similar will be an excellent way to spend your time this month.
22 December to 19 January
Ooh. Things are feeling a touch chaotic, and you’re not a fan. You’re someone who likes stability, and any moments of shakiness are unsettling. So beware: this month is going to be tricky for you. It’s not that loads of stuff will happen, it’s just that change seems to be in the air, and you’re not sure how you feel about that.
You need to know two things: one is that change is often good and the second is that you handle it. This is a time for you to focus on grounding and self-belief. Know that you are deserving of joy and capable of rolling with the punches. When the world is feeling unstable, your interior self can stay rock solid.
Good ideas for February: meditation, positive affirmations and time spent with supportive friends who remind you of how brilliant you are. Things you need to ditch this month: negative self-talk, unhelpful patterns and self-doubt. Stay the course and you’ll see just how brilliant change can be.
20 January to 18 February
OK, so your new year, new you plans didn’t quite pan out the way you’d hoped. You had big goals… they didn’t all happen. Don’t beat yourself up for that. Instead, think about why you didn’t tick off all you wanted to achieve. Were your targets perhaps unrealistic? Did you try to force in missions that don’t actually align with what you care about?
The good news is that there’s no time limit on making things happen. You can pick up the aims that matter in February with just as much drive plus new knowledge on how to be successful. Try to be patient, though, Aquarius. You don’t have to do everything immediately.
You’re also feeling a desire for stability right now. You want to feel secure about yourself and where you’re going in life. If you chip away at this feeling, you’ll notice that what you’re really in need of is a confidence boost. Something’s holding you back from really believing you can create the life you want; use this time to figure out what that is and get rid. By the end of the month, you’ll be ready to come up with a solid plan for how to align your inner wants with your outer life.
19 February to 20 March
For Pisces, the buzzword for the month is awareness. You’ll become more aware of yourself. Keep an eye out for interesting dreams, which might be your mind trying to draw your attention somewhere, and take the time to notice your thoughts and feelings as a neutral observer. Quietening your mind in this period is essential. It’s all about reflection and introspection.
Halfway through the month, all that inner work will drive you to want to take action. You might not be 100% clear on what needs to change, but you’re ready to start thinking about it. Talk to people you’re close with to bounce around ideas on how to move forward; different perspectives will help to bring clarity.
Remember through all this that it’s OK for your journey to take time. Be patient and don’t give up on your vision just because it isn’t a quick hit of success.
Images: Getty; Stylist
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