The full moon on 29 December brings a mystical opportunity to manifest desires for 2021. Here are some festive ways to celebrate and charge up your goals with a cosmic boost, straight from a witch’s mouth.
After the intensity of the year we just collectively experienced, I think it’s safe to say most of us are ready to embrace a new beginning. Thankfully, the cosmos have arranged to wrap up 2020 on a particularly bright note — quite literally –in the form of the sparkling full moon that rises on 29 December.
This healing lunation blossoms just two days before New Year’s Eve, and its astrological energy acts as a spiritual tonic that can help people of all star signs work through their pent-up 2020 emotions (of which there are many). If you plan on setting personal intentions for the year ahead, you can actually work with the full moon’s energy to supercharge your 2021 goals and infuse a little bit of cosmic magic into your end-of-year festivities.
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Full moons: a cosmic release point
In astrology, full moons are believed to help bring matters to a climax or conclusion. Because they represent the energetic high point of the lunar cycle, conflicts can boil up within relationships, truths can be illuminated, and our emotions can surge, too. However, they’re also a great time for setting intentions and letting go of energies that are holding you back from reaching your desires.
The idea is that as the moon begins to wane after its full moon phase, and it naturally supports the release of energy in our personal lives, as well. Astrologically, it’s a conducive opportunity for clearing out personal baggage, breaking bad habits, or channeling your emotions into creativity.
Having this warm and auspicious full moon light up the winter skies during 2020’s glittering last act definitely feels like a cosmic blessing
December’s full moon takes place in the sign of Cancer, which is the most maternal and nurturing of the zodiac bunch. Cancer water sign energy helps us to get in touch with our feelings and memories, so we may feel more sensitive and nostalgic than usual under this lunation. This final 2020 full moon also harmonises with Uranus, the planet of surprises and unexpected changes – which gently reminds us that there are limitless possibilities and opportunities for excitement waiting for us in the year ahead.
While we may wind up tangled in our memories and swept up in a sea of sentimentality under this climactic end-of-year lunation, the swell of potent emotions can be a good thing – it’ll feel like a much-needed cosmic cleanse for the soul, which will help us to detox from the pandemonium of 2020.
Aligning your New Year’s goals with the end-of-year full moon
As an astrologer and witch, I often use the full moon as an opportunity to connect with my current goals — and having this one take place within the final days of the calendar year feels especially cosmically aligned. Whether you’re interested in doing an elaborately-witchy ritual or keeping things casual, here are a few simple-yet-mystical ways to weave this full moon’s energy into your New Year’s resolutions.
Process your feelings with a cathartic cosmic gathering
Cancer is one of the most emotional signs of the zodiac, so having a full moon here is likely to cause feelings to come bubbling up from deep within. To honour this lunation, connect with your closest coven of trusted friends (virtually, if needed!) for a cathartic and supportive full moon intention-setting ritual, during which you’ll take turns sharing highlights, low points, and growth experiences from throughout the year.
Remind everyone that it’s OK to cry and release those heavy full moon feelings — that’s part of the process (and waterproof mascara will come in handy!). At the end of the night, have everyone write down a list of things they’d like to clear out of their life in 2021, and then ceremonially burn those lists in a fire-safe bowl if you want to get really witchy.
Have some starry and sentimental self-care
December’s full moon in nurturing Cancer inspires us to prioritise self-care, heal our emotional wounds, and embrace our creature comforts. That said, it’s a great time to pamper yourself like the goddess that you are. Spoil your inner-child with all the feel-good things that make you feel cozy and coddled: Indulge in your favourite comfort foods, take a long bubble bath, or cuddle up on the couch to watch a nostalgic movie. While you’re relaxing, write down a list of ways you can nurture yourself regularly throughout the year to come, perhaps by aligning your self-care nights with the moon cycle — because even a little bit of gentle self-love and healing time can go a long way.
Try a cleansing full moon bath ritual
Channel the watery Cancerian vibes of this lunation by taking a healing moon bath, and make it special — it should feel like a sacred space rather than a regular bath! Light candles, set out some healing crystals, and put on relaxing music to add some ambiance. Add a scoop of Epsom salt to the water, which helps to detoxify your body as well as your spirit. As you relax in the tub, speak some positive affirmations aloud that are aligned with your New Year’s intentions.
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When it’s time to drain the water, meditate as you watch the swirl of the bathwater leaving the tub and envision your insecurities, fears, and negative thought patterns swirling away with it — then enjoy the feeling of being cleansed under the full moon’s energy, both physically and spiritually.
This year will likely go down in history as a particularly difficult one, but having this warm and auspicious full moon light up the winter skies during 2020’s glittering last act definitely feels like a cosmic blessing — and if you subscribe to astrology, then it’s also beautifully well timed when it comes to energetically supporting us as we manifest our New Year’s goals. Even if you skip a ritual, this illuminating lunar boost can help to revive you after the holi-daze and sprinkle some moon magic over your personal intentions as you plan ahead in making 2021 sparkle.
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